Getting Around in the Game

When you enter the world, things might seem strange to you at first sight. However, there are a lot of different commands intended to make things easier for you. Here is a short list of some useful ones.

[north east west south up down] [n e w s u d]: These are the six basic directions for you to move in. If you wish to go north, type "north" or "n" to move that way.
[look] [look at] [examine] [exa]: By typing "look" you look around in your present location. If you "look at apple" you will take a closer look at the apple and receive a longer description if that item. "examine" or "exa" will perform the same way. This is a very useful command!
[get] [drop] [get all] [drop all]: These commands allows you to pick up things that you find. You can of course drop the things you carry along with you as well.
[inventory] [i]: Allows you to see what you are carrying. If you carry a bag, you will have to type "look in bag" to see what is in it.
[say] [shout]: This is very useful if you wish to talk to someone. Just type "say Hello, who are you?" when there is someone to talk to. If you shout you will be heard in the next room as well but not further away.
[wield] [kill]: This might be useful if you are attacked... Assume you are about to be eaten by a lion and can't run away. Well, you can fight by wielding a weapon ("wield sword") and kill the lion ("kill lion"). But then, the lion might kill you anyway.
[wear] [remove]: If you have some sort of armor and wish to use it, you will have to wear it first. If you wish to change armor you must remove your old one. ("remove leather armor") ("wear plate mail").
[introduce]: When you meet someone in the game you do not instinctively know their name. Naturally you have to introduce yourself and your fellow companions to the new person.

Example: Homeli the hobbit and Tudour the dwarf meet a smooth inviting spirit immortal. Homeli bows to the immortal and introduces himself. ("introduce me"). He then introduces Tudour to the immortal. ("introduce tudour"). The spirit immortal bows to them and introduces himself as Skyyseyr Rum kin Pum, male spirit.

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